When I was little my dad used to tell me, "love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life."
When I went to college I decided to study fashion design, against most people's judgment might I add. As I started my career in fashion at Auburn I was passionate and excited as could be, nothing could get in my way. Then came sophomore year and I never struggled with school so much in my life. I had never questioned my ability to style an outfit, draw and create my designs, or even just explain my vision. I took a class about fashion illustration and before then I had never realized that my classes could be so subjective. I am by no means the best illustrator the world has ever seen, but I was very proud of my designs. As the year progressed I became more and more confident in what I designed and how I portrayed myself as a designer. Though the class was difficult I rediscovered why fashion design held such a large space in my heart. I discovered I loved kids wear and that my designs were an extension of myself. I put love into every design I create the same way that moms "bake love" into their homemade cookies.
Here we are in junior year and I once again find myself struggling in the world I have chosen. I find that while my classmates create whimsical and outlandish designs I chose to stick to more simple subjects and focus myself on the fairy tale aspect of design. I often have found myself creating a story for my designs as if I was writing a children's book, each design has a fabulous adventure just waiting to be explored. Recently I made two very simple and yet "totally Suzanna Rita" projects. They focused on the family and I absolutely fell in love with them, I felt they were my best projects thus far. I worked day and night and finally finished the project and then came the presentation day. After our presentation we give each other critiques and encouragements, I typically look forward to this simple exercise. Not today. There was an overwhelming sense of "this isn't cool", and "I didn't understand the inspiration or the story." To say I was devastated was an absolute understatement. I cried, which to be frank is not typical when my work is involved. I, however, felt betrayed; not by my classmates but by myself. I racked my brain for how I could be so simple minded and boring and after several conversations realized it didn't matter.
Guess what. You cannot and you will not please everyone, and that's okay. At the end of the day, you are who you need to please. Be proud of what you do if you love it, celebrate it! Love what you do and the rest will eventually come.
Sending lots of love, inspiration, admiration, and {Suzey} sunshine your way...xoxo