Today I start my junior year of college, which is terrifying for two reasons. One, I’ve somehow finished two years of college and they went by in the blink of an eye and two, in two years I won’t be in college and I’ll be in the real world.
So, what have I learned so far in college?
If you love something throw yourself into what you love and enjoy every minute of it.
If you're not the sorority type it's okay, you'll find your people.
Find who you click with and the whole world changes.
Love your major and minor or change it, because at the end of the day you need to love what you do. The saying is true, "love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life".
USE A PLANNER, and make sure it works for you.
Go to class, it can be difficult but it is worth it to show up, you never know what you'll miss.
Smile at everyone you pass.
Introduce yourself to your teachers and sit in the front, trust me when you need that grade bump they'll be more willing to give it to you.
Do not be scared or embarrassed to go to office hours, the teacher is there to help you.
Visit your family and call them every once in a while.
Stay in touch with your high school friends, even if they're at different schools.
Dress nice for class every once in a while it doesn't go unnoticed.
Go to the gym, the freshman 15 is avoidable.
Don't take everything too seriously, you're only in college once.
Enjoy every minute of it and realize at then end of the day it's life and it is not always perfect.
So, to all you bright bubbly freshman enjoy it and be ready for a wild ride. To the rest of you, we're almost done so enjoy it and thrive.
Sending love, {Suzey}Sunshine, and good luck your way...xoxo